Tuesday, 22 May 2018


Thursday, 10 May 2018

task allocation week 2

task allocation week 1

Regulatory bodies

production log week 2

production log week 1



The radio drama's story lines is based on social. We have chosen to address the dangers of social media and how talking to someone on social media can be dangerous and how easy it is to get catfished. Many companies may what to partner up with us because we may use their social media sites in our radio drama.

As we will be using Facebook we can partner with them because we will be discussing the dangers of talking to people on their social media site. They can also advert the radio drama on their website which would meet the target audience and let them know they can tune in to the podcast. This will also allow us to reach a larger audience. It will also give us a chance to educate and inform more people.

Another company that we could be funded by is Skype because in the radio drama the two main characters are continually talking about having a Skype call. This would be an opportunity for us to have a partnership with Skype has their company will be the main focus in our radio drama. Google could also fund our drama has the characters will use google has a search engine. This will also give us a chance to discuss the social issues that occur with google. They can also feature the radio on their google main page which have a link straight the radio drama.

We will also have different adverts that will be advertised in our podcast. Our radio drama is targeted at a family audience we will adverts that would relate to their lifestyle. We have chosen a Tesco to a part of the adverts that will appear in our radio show. The reason we have chosen Tesco is because many different family's that use their stores and that will allow us to gain funds for our radio drama. The other company that will be advertised in our radio show is vodafone. This a phone company that allow people buy or have contract for different phones. We have chosen vodafone because our radio drama uses different types of technology and one of them is a mobile phones.


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